“Developing Excellence in Others class was a very interesting and worthwhile class because you can actually use what was being taught. A lot of times classes you take you can’t use in your class but this class was different. The leadership skills and motivational skills that were shared were outstanding. The structure of the class was conducive and learner friendly. The open environment and classroom setting with people sharing their ideas was very good and made the class very interesting. Also the videos that we used helped enhance what was being taught in class.”
Bob Horner, 8th grade social studies teacher, Mason City Community Schools, IA
“This was one of the best classes I have ever taken to help me improve my teaching and coaching skills. The class information is relevant to what we do daily. Jack Guggenmos did an outstanding job of presenting the materials in an interesting manner.”
Ann Prince, NE
“I loved it. I came away with many good ideas to take with me as a teacher, coach and father!”
Tim Carlson, Bloomington, MN
“Developing Excellence in Others is an excellent course which reaches many needs for coaches and teachers. It is a thinking and sharing class. The topics are varied and relevant to working with today’s youth. It is a wonderful way to learn new things, reinforce already used methods, and explore educational topics with colleagues in a relaxed setting. Guest speakers, videos, small and large group settings, role-playing, and manageable readings made the class fun! My expectations for this class were exceeded!”
Dave Rosenbaum, Tri County High School , Social Studies teacher/Jr. High Coach, DeWitt, NE
“Developing Excellence In Others was one of the best courses I have taken. I believe in relating actual experiences to the topics discussed and we had an abundance of that. Our instructor was organized yet flexible and allowed the class to move in their own direction when feasible.”
Marv McCune, DeSmet, SD
“This would be a good course for all teachers/coaches. I was reinvigorated each day wanting to get back to school/practice and try some of our new ideas. It also helped re-affirm that what we were doing was the right thing to do.”
John Gohn, Chehalis, WA
“This was the greatest class I have taken. I went through my masters at St. Mary’s and have taken a few other graduate level courses but none of them compare to this. The “real life” learning in this class will stay with me forever. I loved the different stories told by Tom and the class. They were very helpful in reshaping my philosophy in coaching and in life. I will be able to use all of the information we discussed in here, and as I read the books I will be able to use more. Tom did and excellent job in teaching this course. He has improved me as a person and coach. I would recommend this class to my peers and I would tell them to take it from Tom if they can.”
Developing Excellence in Others, Minneapolis , MN
“There was so much information in this course that will be useful in the classroom as well as on the athletic field. This is the type of course that should be used for building in-services to develop and energize teachers. The student to teacher to student interchange was mind expanding, thought provoking. The lessons were powerful, intimate and self reflective. The course, taught by two truly professional educators should be mandatory for all of those involved in education. Randy and Rose did a superlative job. I wouldn’t have missed it!”
Developing Excellence in Others, Rapid City, SD
“At our school, we have the motto: ‘Is it good for kids?’ This class is surely good for kids. I loved it!”
Paul Blade, Norris, NE
“I think the course was excellent for me as a classroom teacher at the high school level. It helped me broaden my understanding of the sports arena where so many students spend so much time. Sharing with other staff was so helpful since we don’t get to interact with colleagues enough.”
Barbara Hartmann, Sauk Centre, MN