"Motivating the Unmotivated has gifted me with proactive strategies to prevent behavior problems and build student relationships."--Shelly P., IL
"Motivating students, especially after COVID 19, has been a challenge for all teachers. This course did a good job of reminding me of the basics. This course reminded me to think about all my learners in the classroom and provide strategies that can help to engage students that appear apathetic and disinterested."--Cory D., CA
"I found the strategies and examples listed by Plevin to be very helpful and relevant. I will use this course to mold my teaching to best fit the needs of all my students in my class. Those that are already motivated and those that need extra encouragement."--Steve H., IA
"This course will help me this upcoming school year to keep my students engaged and motivated. I really like how they presented a few different strategies to use when a student doesn't respond. I will use what I have learned and apply them when needed." --Adam D., MO
"Thank you for creating these courses that are meaningful and practical for teachers. The amount of work is just right and I appreciate the options on some of the components so I can decide which task I'd like to complete."--Jessica B., OH
"This course was well thought out, and will benefit me in the future when motivating my students."--Amber S., NE
"Thank you for introducing me to his book by Plevin. I think it was definitely necessary and eye-opening for me as a teacher. I will definitely try some strategies from it and use my action plan this coming year. I felt each part of the book was relevant to my everyday teaching and it definitely reminded me about consistency in my classroom."--Marissa F., CA
"This Course will benefit me in the position I am in as I want to become an administrator. This course has wonderful strategies that can be used in any classroom. As a teacher who covers multiple rooms because of lack of subs, these strategies I can use in their rooms as well." --Pam H., IA
"I greatly enjoyed taking this course. It's so nice to have the book to keep as I wrote notes throughout. I enjoyed going at my own pace. I gained several takeaways and many reminders or reinforced ideas of what I am already incorporating. Thank you." T. Wiese IA
"Motivating the Unmotivated gave me several avenues to pursue in the never ending quest to get kids to perform with purpose. As always, Educational Resources continues to produce courses that are 100% relevant to people in the trenches who actually do the work in schools every day. As with every class I've taken from Educational Resources, I now have more tools to be a better teacher." -S. Jones, NE