"Teach Like A Pirate has been extremely inspiring to me as a teacher in my 20th year of teaching! And the independent study of the book has been such a beneficial and practical way to take a graduate class. I've already been putting many ideas to work for me and my students." -Leigh Ann J., IA
"I really Enjoyed this course. I feel the information was relevant to all grade levels and can be easily incorporated into my classroom." -Sarah S., NE
"I found this course very thought provoking. I really liked being able to take it during the school year so that I could use what I was reading about as I read about it. There are many wonderful ideas I have already added to my teaching and many more that I will add during the remainder of the school year." -Becki K., OH
"The book was extremely interesting and gave me great ideas to try in my classroom. It made me realize that I don't have to change everything at once, but I can implement small changes over a period of time. I believe this course will benefit me as a teacher because I have started to implement some changes and it is easy to add them to any lesson. My students love the different books and are truly engaged in the lessons. This course will be used each year in my classroom." -Ginger W., OH
"Teach Like A Pirate was an inspiring class that let me reflect on my current teaching. The book was an easy read. It was fun to learn what each of the letters in 'pirate' stand for." -Jennifer D., OH
"Teach Like A Pirate was a course that helped build my enthusiasm for teaching with energy. There were many strategies that were discussed to help refuel a passion for teaching and a passion to teach with excitement. There were six innovative ideas to help a teacher become a teacher that is sought out by parents and students." -Kelly K., NE
"This course will allow me to be a better teacher and role-model for my students and a better mentor for new science teachers entering into our department. It gave me great skills and strategies to use when reflecting on my teaching practices and crafting my lessons." -Amy V., NE
"Teach Like A Pirate was a very beneficial class for myself. I was seeking to find a class that would help with building student rapport and increase student engagement. My uncle recommended this class to me and it was exactly what I was looking for. I enjoyed this class more than other graduate level classes I have taken in that I was able to work at my own pace and complete work when I had time to fit extra work in. The content was perfect for the components of my classroom that I needed to work on. This class content will greatly help me in my position. I have thoroughly enjoyed this course and look forward to enrolling in more Educational Resources of MN classes in the future." -Rebecca J.