“This course was outstanding. It caused me to reflect on my teaching and the ways that I impact students. If all graduate courses were this applicable and teacher friendly, I’d have my doctorate!” Shari Cole, Grand Island, NE
“Teacher Toolbox 101 is a very practical course that offers many useful concepts and strategies that today’s educators can implement in the classroom. This course is one of the most helpful courses that I have taken over the past three years while working on my master’s degree. This course offers many new concepts and strategies as well as a few ideas that are reinforced from previous educational classes or experiences.” Jade Niemyer, Orange City, IA
“This course was another great example of how other teachers experiences can be very inspirational and helpful when dealing with today’s youth. The videos were wonderful and the book, Inspire, did exactly that, inspire. After taking this course, I felt re-energized to work with my students and my players. Thank you to all who were involved in making this course and I am looking forward to the next one.” Darren Sagedahl, Olivia, MN
“I found the course to be extremely helpful and hopefully beneficial to my future teaching years. In comparison to other graduate courses I have taken, I found this course to be more useful in a concrete manner than other courses I have taken. I can actually visualize implementing many of the ideas set forth from this course.” Kathleen Lally, Steubenville, OH
“Teacher Toolbox 101" was a great course. Everything that was asked of students to do was applicable. There was no extra busy work or wasted assignments. It was all relevant and included great information that can be used within every educational setting no matter what role you play.” Brooke McDonnell, Fairbury, NE
“Teacher Toolbox 101 is a very practical course. It is a great reminder of the simple things we can do that will make a difference in the lives of our students. All of the lessons are pertinent, and can be used in all educational settings. I recommend this class for everyone who works with children.” Shelly Koch, Fall River, WI
“I feel that the concepts taught in Teacher Toolbox 101 are concepts that any professional can use to better not only themselves but also the organizations that they lead. The class was very informative and entertaining at the same time. The class took the concepts that they are teaching about and applied them to the course itself.” Kurt Franzen, Columbus, NE
“This is my fourth and was by far my favorite course. I found the text readings extremely interesting and full of quotes and stories that I can use in the classroom that I think students will be easily able to relate to while at the same time getting ‘the message.’ I was also able to acquire several strategies and techniques that I look forward to using next year in my classroom. The textbook was amazing! After 21 years of teaching it is always beneficial to read books with stories of students who have struggled with issues and had a positive outcome because of something special a teacher did for them! Deborah Graven, Pleasant Plains, IL
“Teacher Toolbox 101 was an extremely beneficial course. I am planning on re-entering professional education after 12 years. This course has helped open my eyes to fantastic small tips that will make a big difference in my classroom. I truly enjoyed all of the information presented in the DVD’s.” Molly Randolph, Franklin, OH
“I thought Teacher Toolbox 101 was an excellent course. The objectives were clear and focused. There were no unnecessary hoops to jump through to waste time. The goal of the course was to improve my teaching and this course provided me with ideas to do just that. I will recommend this course to my peers.” Scott Poll, Howell, NE