"I thought Teacher Toolbox 101 was a very applicable class. It made me think of how I am doing things and how I should change what I am doing. This course was better than almost all the other graduate classes I have taken. It gave me new ideas and helped me rejuvenate my teaching juices." -Chad G., MN
"I thought this was an excellent course! It gave me many strategies to use in my classroom that are simple and effective. It allowed me to reflect on my current teaching and realize what changes I can make for the upcoming school year." -Kelli K., IA
"This course is an excellent start to better connecting with your students. The materials are applicable to today's youth and I am looking forward to the opportunities ahead to try these ideas while strengthening the connections I have with my students." -Kevin M., OH
"I took the class based upon recommendations from other teachers. They informed me that the class was very beneficial and helpful. I enjoyed the video presentations and the readings, and particularly found the unit with challenging parents to be very useful. I will recommend this class to other staff members." -Mark S., IA
"I enjoyed this course. The video presenters were informative and relaxed, making the class interesting and helpful. It has offered many practical ideas that I am already incorporating in my classroom. It will make me a better teacher." -Andrea S., IA
"I loved the course! It really opened my eyes to new ideas I can integrate into my own classroom. It will be extremely beneficial to incorporate ideas of how to deal with concerned parents, nonthreatening ways to discipline and approach behavioral children, and ideas of how to motivate and inspire learning. I can't wait to put these new ideas into practice!!" -Julie T., NE
"I enjoyed this course and thought the information presented was extremely practical. I thought the assignments and questions were meaningful, thought-provoking, and applicable. Thanks for creating this affordable and flexible course! I am very busy and this was one of the most reasonable graduate courses I have taken." -Bethany H., IA
"I enjoyed the course, Teacher Toolbox 101. Everything that was taught and discussed will be applicable in my classroom. Plus, I was able to go at my own pace and work to complete the assignments when it worked within my busy schedule." -Sherri L., IA
"Teacher Toolbox 101 was an excellent course for educators. I love the ideas presented to inspire students to learn. The course helped inspire and motivate me to try new ideas in my classroom. The video speakers were excellent." -Lori D., OH
"I really enjoyed this course. It was the first Educational Resources class I've taken and I plan to take a few more. I loved how easy the topics are to visualize and apply, and how the lessons confirmed and affirmed some of the best things we do in our classroom already." Michael H., MN